Saturday, August 6, 2011


Wow! I don't know where to begin.

The biggest news is that Jake got accepted into the Nursing Program! YES! This is pretty much the reason why we moved down here to Lufkin. Finally!

The second biggest news is, I will be getting my Associate's Degree this month! Woo!

And the third, I found a job. A REAL job. Since last summer I've been working here and there at places like American Eagle, a local dance studio answering phones, and most recently a Daycare worker. I wanted to go full-time at the Daycare, even though I'd make $7.50/hr. I really love working with the kids there and the programs they offer are really beneficial that a lot of people take for granted. After awhile though, I began to think about what it would take to provide for my family. Since Jake is going into the program, he won't be able to work full-time anymore. If anything, he'll get a work-study job like I did. So I started looking and applying to whatever I could find. I saw a part-time opening for a job at Genco Federal Credit Union and thought I'd give it a try. I've worked at restaurant and have handled money before, maybe I could fit. I got a call for an interview and was hired for part-time. So that works, part-time at the credit union and then part-time at the daycare. Along with teaching ballroom dance, I figured it would have to work even though we wouldn't be getting benefits for any of that. About a week later, a full time employee decided to up and quit without putting in any notice. A day or so later, I was asked if I wanted to work full-time. Heck yeah, I did. Even better, they have a small branch about 15 minutes from home that they want me to work at. It's a one-man kinda thing though -- I'd be working there all on my own. Since it's so small and right next to the state school, I can handle it. I start full time Monday, and train for about 3 months before I move to the other branch.

Fourth, big one, we've found a place to move into next month. Our lease has ended for our apartment, and we just want a change. We need more space for storage, and it'd be nice not to have our desk in the kitchen/dining room area. We're ready to spread out a little. It's cramped here! So, the place we found is a duplex close to the church we go to. It's also closer to where I'm working now. It's a 3-bedroom duplex, and it's within our price range with a fireplace, new carpet, and lots and lots of room. Soo much room. We want to have the first bedroom be our office/study, while the second bedroom can me a guest bedroom until the kiddos come along. It's exciting. I can't wait to move in!

And finally... we're pregnant!
Just kidding.

We've got a lot coming the next couple of months. It will be interesting packing and moving out during the hottest part of the year. Ouch. We'll have help though, I'm sure. Since Jake doesn't start school until the end of the month, we're both working full-time right now. It's nice to bring some more money in. 
We have a lot to save for.