Friday, August 6, 2010

Well, this is new.

Actually, this isn't that new come to think of it. I used to have a xanga back in 8th and 9th grade, but everyone had a xanga then and all it did was cause drama. Now that things have settled down a bit, I thought I'd give this a go and see how it works out.

Status: Hopeful.

We've trekked the 26 hour drive from Provo, Utah to Longview, Texas. We move into our apartment in Lufkin tomorrow and we're stoked. We've added a new member to our family but before you freak out, it's a cat! She's about 10 weeks old and she's our new baby. We've named her Amber and she's orange and white and absolutely wonderful. She'll love our new home.

Jake had an interview with Sprint today which went very well. He applied for the Lead Retail Consultant and has been called back for a second interview. We hope very much to get this job.

I start school down at Angelina College on the 30th. I'm thinking about finishing up my associate's in Psychology with Kilgore College and then finish my Bachelor's in Early Childhood Education at Angelina and SFA. But it's still in the making.

That's about where we're at right now. I'm not sure how often I'll have some time to update this, or who will read it but it's a shot. If you read this, go ahead and comment if you want. I'll put some pictures up of the cat soon, too.

More later,



  1. Awesome! What a bright future you guys have ahead of you. How fun to have a little kitty!! Wish we could get one too. :) Have a safe trip.

  2. Wow. So you're moving today! I drove through Lufkin on the way back home from Houston. We were there on Friday evening for a singing at the Kleinwood Church of Christ.

    What side of town is y'alls apartment on? I'm most familiar with the loop area around the east side.

    I hope the job search goes well for Jake. Will y'all both be going to Angelina?

    I can't wait to see you, dearest!
    <3 Alina

  3. Alina, we live right across the street from Angelina College called Deerwood II apartments. Ours is really cute too, you'll definitely have to come over sometime soon. :)
