Monday, August 16, 2010


Yep, still trying to figure this out. I can't seem to figure out how to change the font on "About Me" and "Blog Archive." Suggestions are appreciated.

Status: Impatient.

Jake had his second interview, which went great. They need someone who can speak Spanish, and Jake knows Portuguese which is ridiculously close to Spanish, which he confidently informed those who are taking that into account. We've been expecting a phone call for about a week now; the man who is supposed to call him is on vacation this week and hopefully will be back tomorrow to make the call. Our fingers are tightly crossed, but we've been pretty antsy due to the fact that school doesn't start for another two weeks and we are running out of things to do with just the two of us in one little apartment. Luckily, we have a pool just outside our building, I like to call it our silver lining during this immense sauna-type weather we've been having down here. We love being busy and can't wait for everything to kick back into shape, but it's still kind of nice to relax a little now that we have the chance. It's been a crazy move and a lot of adjustments but we have each other. And that's all that counts.

Sometimes people walk into your life for a reason, whether you are asking for it or avoiding it at all costs. Jake has been an enormous blessing in my life that will last forever, no strings attached. He came at the perfect time for my heart to accept well before my mind ever would. He is my best friend, my eternal companion, the light and love of my life.

I guess that's what you get when you read a newlywed's blog. :)


This is Amber.
She is sweet but also, lately, a bit mischievous. You see, recently she has actually discovered that she has claws. And claws to a new curtain, an arm of a couch, or use to climb up the side of a bed, are now newly established "no-no's" in our house. She quite literally tries to jump from the couch to the top of our kitchen table during a (well prepared, I must say) dinner. No success yet, but I have a feeling there will be one soon. Our favorite place to put her at night and when we run errands is in a closet we like to call a laundry room, which has her bed, food, water, and litter box. It's the smelliest room in the house... Surprise!
I've also found that she is, in fact, a kitten. And that's what kittens do. Jake says you can't train a cat but my stubbornness and determination is telling me otherwise. I've never had a cat so it's new to me to always have cat hair on my clothes and small scratches on my arms and face.As of today, we've glued rubber caps to her claws.

She's much nicer now.

We definitely miss friends in Provo, though. Many people we worked with at the Brick Oven, aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins have torn at our heartstrings this weekend. We have made a few friends at church, one that I actually knew back from Girl's Camp. I love the southern hospitality and I know we'll make genuine friends here as we did in Utah.

It's funny how some of the closest people of your life seem to slip through your fingers. I left a friend back in Provo that has changed my life for the better but she has gained so much distance from me, and everyone else. I'm worried about her, miss her, and wish the best for her. Whatever happens. If she's reading this, she knows who it is I'm speaking of. I truly miss you.

"The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart." - Helen Keller

More later,


1 comment:

  1. glad everything is going good for y'all! let us know if you need anything or want to double date!!
