Saturday, September 4, 2010

And so we begin

After a month of interviews, Jake has finally started his work at Sprint!

He isn't doing much right now, just observing mostly and taking training tests. He goes into training soon so things should start picking up soon with him.

Status: Bored!

Before I started school I decided that it would be better for me to only concentrate on my 13 hours and not work this semester. When I was at BYU and working 20-30 hours a week I often felt overwhelmed with the little amount of time I had (or didn't have) to study. But I've come to the realization that that was probably just BYU, my job was very demanding, or I just didn't make the time to study. Because since I've started school, I've found that I have TONS of time on my hands. Especially with Jake being at work all day and me not having school on the weekends... I can't believe it but I'm bored a lot. So, I applied and was hired to a Dance Academy for young ballet, tap, and gymnastics dancers. It also has jazz and drill. I start this week, and I'm looking forward to becoming busier.

I also realized today how little I will be seeing my husband this year.

In Provo I was spoiled with the privilege of working with him. We haven't spent much time apart since, well, since we met. I hope I can cope with this change. There's a lot of change right now. With moving, new school, new jobs, new place, new people. A whole new life. How did we get here? Why here, why now? I feel the blind pull that the Lord is leading us in a certain direction, though I don't know where this direction will take us. I never fathomed how much you change when changes are acted upon you. I feel like it's about time for changes like this.

We need to grow up sometime.


  1. I so know exactly how you feel! almost everyday this week I've seen Jose before he leaves for school which I'm still half asleep in bed and then I don't see him till atleast 10:30 at night. But trust me it will all be worth it. It will be hard at first but it makes the little moments you do spend together soooooo much more meaningful and special. Just hang in there and if you need someone to talk to or even hang out with one night you know how to reach me. :)

  2. I love your backgrounds. So pretty. :)
