Friday, November 5, 2010


My family are definitely Christmas folk (especially Nathan). Now I love Christmas also, don't get me wrong, but I have chosen to respect and love the Thanksgiving holiday. I haven't put up any Christmas lights or bought any Christmas gifts because this month, to me, should be dedicated to the welcoming beauty of Autumn.

I believe that Thanksgiving begins the Christmas season.

I'm thankful for a roof over my head, food in my fridge, money in my pocket, three loving families, and a husband who loves me deeply. I'm thankful for the Gospel in my life and the blessings it has brought into my life. I'm thankful for a Savior who knows me more than I know myself, for safety, security, and a close enough temple that only takes a day trip and not a week or a month. I'm thankful for the blessings of the temple. People would go more if they realized how much the temple can heal their hearts.

I will be posting more the next couple of weeks as I take time to realize just how blessed I am to be alive, well, and loved. I encourage you to do the same. This is the most beautiful time of the year; a time of growth, indulgence, peace, and giving. I hope that in spite of a busy to-do list, not to mention final exams and crazy work schedules, you and I can open our hearts and give thanks to our family, loved ones, and our Savior this month. Let's set the stage for a memorable rest of the year.

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