Friday, February 11, 2011

Dear Spring, please stay.

I just want to say, I wish I had the knack of this blog. If anyone knows how to find cute backgrounds and put them on my blog, let me know. I don't even know who my followers are! 

Okay now, update time.
Life has been pretty crazy. (Hence my lack of blog updates). Jake and I are both in school over full time and both have part time jobs as well as callings in the church. Jake was called as the Lufkin 1st ward Seminary Teacher and released as a Primary Worker (no more nursery with me...), and I was called as Achievement Day Leader and I'm pretty sure Nursery President, or something. It's been busy, but we have managed to take hold of everything pretty nicely so far. I love the Achievement Day girls, I swear I do everything with them that I would have loved to do back when I was 8-12 years old. In fact, we'll be holding a Daddy/Daughter Date this month and the theme is a "Cinderella Ball," where my Dad is going to come down and help me teach the girls and their Daddys the Waltz. The best part is, everyone (including me) get to dress up like a princess. Because every girl is a princess. So I've been preparing for that and I'm so excited to see how that turns out. My Dad goes in for back surgery about a week and a half before then, so I hope he has the strength to help. If not, I know he and my Mom will love coming down to visit us.

I'm pretty convinced that this has been the coldest winter Texas has ever seen. It's miserable! Today the sun is out, but it's still pretty chilly. I hope that the cold goes away for the year. It's about time it got warmer. I miss the heat of Texas. 

With financial aid and a pretty decent tax return, we are thinking about looking for a new home here in Lufkin. Also, by the way things are looking, we're probably going to first be looking for a decent used car as well. Both sound so nice right now. A tiny apartment and a car that's trying to hold out on both of us, spending most of our time walking to where we need to get to go is getting rather annoying, especially in this cold. But what can I say, at least we have a car and money to pay for rent each month, and that we can afford to go to school and that we both have steady jobs. But still. Sometimes it's just easier to find something better in a time of need. If you know anyone who is looking to sell their car, please let me know. 

By the end of the summer I should be done with Angelina College and transferring over to SFA to finish a Bachelor's in Early Childhood Education. If it works out the way we plan, I should be teaching in no time. I'm so excited just thinking about it. I hope that everything works out. I hope I can find a job that can help get Jake through nursing school so we can really get down to business. We hope that by finding a home and getting at least another couple semesters out of the way we can finally start our family. That's definitely one thing that I'm super excited about but also pretty nervous. Just about the same feeling I had before I decided to get married. It's a big change but a wonderful one. I just want to be ready, but everyone tells me that you're never really ready. I've also been told to wait like 3 or 5 years to start having kids. Yeah right. I can't wait that long. :)

That's about all I can think of right now. It's been really fun being married. In May it'll be a whole year. We've come pretty far already and we've had a few rough times but so many more good times. I'm so glad I made the right decision in marrying my sweetheart. I love my in-laws (all of them :) and I'm so glad that I get to live close to my parents during this time. I'm super excited for my sister who has found the love of her life and I know he's going to change her life just as much as she has changed mine. I have so many things to be grateful for. The only thing that could make my day any better is if the sun would stay out for me. :)


  1. I would love to show you how to do cute backgrounds! and learn how to navigate it better! Maybe I will have to make a trip out your way and we hang out! my blog has the website in the top left corner where I got my background. It's pretty easy to do. :) I'm glad to hear everything is going wonderful for you two!

  2. Ooh that sounds great! I want to find a time instead of just talking about it... but I know we're both busy. I'll let you know the next time we're in Longview or you can try and make a trip down here. Double date? :)
